The NIKA Athletics blog

What it actually takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body, part six

This is it, the last of surprising facts about what it takes to actually lose fat, get healthy, and change your body. Surprise #6: Just…

What it actually takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body, part five

We have only two more surprises left to cover. Here’s number five People’s actual circumstances didn’t determine what they were able to do.  Most people…

What it actually takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body, part four

Three more surprises to go!  Surprise #4: Even super-dramatic changes don’t require 100% consistency. Obviously, if you’re after big changes, you will have to be…

What it actually takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body, part three

Ready for surprise #3? It’s a great one. Surprise #3: Being at least 50% consistent with your health and lifestyle improvements might be easier than…

What it actually takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body, part two

In the last post, we discussed the surprising facts regarding the effort needed to make changes. Perfection is not required, but some amount of effort…

What it actually takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body, part one

This should not be a surprise, but there is no perfect person. However, when many of us start thinking about a health plan, weight loss…

A different story of motivation for you.

I have a different sort of motivational email for you today. I want you to meet Deb. This is her. She’s one of many members…

Thinking about personal training to reach your goals?

NIKA Athletics, in Deland, Fl, is your go-to for the best personal training that is built on results! Here are some benefits personal training with…

April’s NIKA of the month: Johan!

April also marks Johan’s 1 year NIKAversary! He’s made a lot of progress since starting at NIKA Athletics in Deland, FL, and impressed his coaches…

March 2024 NIKA of the Month: Karen

Here at NIKA Athletics in Deland, Fl, we love to highlight members that exemplify what it means to be a “NIKA.” She started with NIKA…

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