Congratulations to Chris Nestle for being chosen by his coaches as Crossfitter of the Month for October. We asked him some questions, and here are his answers.
1 – How did you hear about CrossFit Nika? I live pretty close to NIKA and I would have to pass it to get to the Red Barn.
2 – What made you come in for a No Sweat Intro for the first time? Brad Strickland first mentioned I should try NIKA. Then after putting it off a while my wife signed me up!
3 – Did you feel nervous or intimated after you No Sweat Intro? A little bit, but everyone was so welcoming right from the start.
4 – Favorite WOD or Movement? I like all the gymnastics stuff, handstand push ups and rope climbs are probably my favorite.
5 – Tell me about a friend or friends you have made at NIKA? There are so many I usually get to the 430 class and everyone is awesome.
6 – Biggest accomplishment thus far? Not throwing up yet. And probably ring muscle ups.
7 – Next goal? Get strong enough to RX every workout like the big dogs.
8 – How has CrossFit helped with your job, hobby, everyday life? CrossFit has been a life changer for me. I was in a rut not working out consistently and I missed the competitiveness of sports. I feel better physically and mentally now at 40 than I ever had before. Plus I’m pretty sure I don’t yell at my kids as much anymore!
9 – What is your Spirit Animal? The internet says the owl.
10 – Favorite Song to workout too? Anything 90s rap but I admit since KC left I have missed the Spice Girls.
11- What advice would you give others who are thinking signing up for a No Sweat Intro? Stop putting it off and just do it. You won’t regret it.