What it actually takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body, part six

This is it, the last of surprising facts about what it takes to actually lose fat, get healthy, and change your body.

Surprise #6: Just making some effort, however inconsistent and imperfect, can make you feel better about how your body looks, feels, and moves.

Consistency creates confidence. 

The bathroom scale is one very visible progress tracker, but there are many forms of progress that the bathroom scale ignores (feeling satisfied after meals, more energy, better sleep, and more). 

Because of this, PN includes a 13-question “resilience index” in their program. They ask clients to tell them how they feel, by indicating how strongly they agree or disagree with statements like:

  • I’m the person I want to be.
  • I lead a meaningful and purposeful life.
  • I feel good about how my body looks.
  • I feel healthy and physically thriving.
  • I feel confident in my ability to take charge of my life.

They found that the more consistent people are, the better they feel about life in general. 

This result was due, in part, to people feeling good about the changes they see in their bodies (less pain, more fitness). The other part is because people are acting on their own behalf. 

You gave positive energy, confidence, and resilience after and because you act, not the other way around. 

Even a small boost in confidence might mean:

  • You walk into a gym for the first time.
  • You try a new exercise.
  • You say hi to that attractive person.
  • You dress better.
  • You take on a physical challenge, like a race.
  • You consider a more active vacation, like a hiking trip.
  • You finally wear that bathing suit, or take off your shirt, at the beach.
  • You ask for what you need and want, or say no to what you don’t want.
  • You take better care of you.

And another benefit, each action you take only creates more action. You don’t have to be perfect, just try. You will see that you can become the healthy, thriving, confident person you have always wanted to be, and just by putting in the effort you have got. 

Your best really is good enough, even if it’s only 40%, 65%, or 90% effort. 

If this has inspired you to finally start putting in the effort you have available, click HERE https://kilo.gymleadmachine.com/widget/bookings/nikaathletics-free-introto schedule a free consultation.

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