We live in a world attached to social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter where many people can reach out to strangers as a way of letting them into their lives. Without knowing it, we most likely judge ourselves and compare ourselves to those people we admire and look up to. While it’s great to have goals and aspirations, this type of comparison can be counterproductive and albeit unhealthy. We may question who we are and how we live our lives because most of us can’t imagine what it’s like to live a “perfect” life. We look at fitness enthusiasts’ Instagram feeds, showing their huge spread of healthy meal prepped weekly menus and think “I can barely even cook my family a meal and have everyone sit together more than twice a week, how can I find time to do that and lose weight?!” I’m here to tell you that you aren’t alone in this thinking.
And I’m also here to tell you it doesn’t need to be like that if you want to be healthy and eat well. There are so many convenient options out there that can give you what you need, that doesn’t require you to spend hours on a Sunday doing. It can be done on a daily basis, and it doesn’t need to be this elaborate meal plan. It needs to be deliberate. It needs to be intentional. Without these things, you will run (or fast walk for those of us who loathe running like me) away from your efforts because you just don’t want to be a slave to your oven and stove. So instead of ogling over someone’s meal prep feed wondering how you will ever get there, take matters into your own hands and be real. Choose a few staples and rotate them around for meals and snacks and keep it simple and easy. We have alot going on in our lives, so use that time for the important things like getting your WOD in, spending time with your family or friends or start reading a new book. These are the true things to be proud of, not comparing yourself to others.
Your nutrition coach,