Jessica MacGinni’s was nominated by her coaches as Crossfitter of the Month for September. Check out her answers to our Nika questions:
1 – How did you hear about CrossFit Nika? I had several acquaintances who were Nika members and I would occasionally see posts on social media. I finally quit coming up with excuses and decided to check it out.
2 – What made you come in for a No Sweat Intro for the first time? I had been working out in my garage for about 2 years and hit a plateau in my progress and I was also very much looking for a community to work out with.
3-Did you feel nervous or intimated after you No Sweat Intro? No, I felt excited! I was itching to get started!
4 – Favorite WOD or Movement? It’s really hard to pick a favorite. I really love almost everything I’ve done! I’m really digging the barbell movements and barbell complex wods because I had never done barbell work before Nika.
5 – Tell me about a friend or friends you have made at NIKA? I’ve made so many! I am an introvert at heart and one of my goals with joining Nika was to come out of my shell and interact with people more. The community at Nika has made that an easy hurdle to overcome! I just absolutely love being around the positive energy at Nika that is fostered by the coaches and embraced by the members. It is so special!
6 – Biggest accomplishment thus far? Rediscovering my inner athlete, for sure. Going in there and leaving everything I have on the floor – ready to puke and darn proud of myself for pushing hard.
7 – Next goal? I want to get the butterfly movement for pull ups and c2b.
8 – How has CrossFit helped with your job, hobby, everyday life? I am so much more confident in every aspect of my life – as a teacher and a mom/wife and a person in general. The confidence means I am more attentive to others because I’m worrying less over myself.
9- What is your Spirit Animal? I am obsessed with lions so I want to say lioness but I think probably more likely meerkat. Still female dominant society but a little less chill!
10- Favorite Song to workout too? Lose Yourself – Eminem
11- What advice would you give others who are thinking about signing up for a No Sweat Intro? DO IT! Don’t be intimidated. The best thing about Nika is that you can adapt to wherever you are in your fitness journey. No excuses!
Congratulations, Jess! And keep up the hard work!